3.2 File delivery and naming conventions
Files will be delivered through secure ftp server (FTP over SSH / FTP over SSL).
File names consist of: date (YMMDD) + File ID + . (dot) + File Type
(cf. File Header specification below – Chapter 3.3.1 - e.g. "40320001.otf".
To ensure fast and secure processing we recommend that files are uploaded with the .partial ending e.g. "40320001.otf.partial" and then renamed without the ending after successfull upload e.g. "40320001.otf"
Note that an uploaded file may be rejected when the file structure is invalid. The rejected file will be renamed as such on the file server, for example "40320001_rejected.otf". No transactions within the file will be processed.
Please note that for TEST files the File ID should start with 9xx, e.g. "40320901.otf". Files sent with FileID above 899 in PROD are rejected.