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1 - General Notes

1.1 - Recent changes - Changes made since 2020

1.1.1 - Processing of American Express transactions

Rapyd has started processing American Express transactions. Please contact your sales contact/ business development manager if you are interested in accepting American Express cards.

1.1.2 - New Visa Fraud Types

Visa has introduced new Fraud Types which will appear in the .frf files (fraud report file) which are sent to customers (where applicable).

New Fraud Types of C (merchant misrepresentation) and D (manipulation of account holder) were added to support the changing fraud landscape. For fraud types C and D, the cardholder participated in the transaction and these types should not be treated the same as fraud types where the account was compromised, thus the payment credential is not required to be closed. As fraud types C and D confirm that the cardholder participated in the transaction, issuers are not allowed to report the transaction under these fraud types and then pursue a dispute under that Fraud category. No other dispute categories are impacted, -and issuers are supposed to proceed with the true nature of the dispute for these transactions. The specification has been updated with information regarding those new Fraud Types in Chapter 4.4.1.

1.1.3 - New Mastercard Fraud Types

Mastercard has introduced new Fraud Types which will appear in the .frf files sent to customers (where applicable). New Fraud Types of 08 (Fraud), 10 (Testing – Acquirer), 53 (Testing – Issuer), 54 (Undetermined), 55 (Modification of Payment Order (EEA only)) and 56 (Manipulation of Cardholder (EEA only)). Fraud Type 07 (Multiple Imprint Fraud) has been eliminated. The specification has been updated with information regarding those new Fraud Types in Chapter 5.4.1.

1.2 - Older Release Notes

1.2.1 - New dispute reason codes for MasterCard (MCM)

MasterCard has implemented a new solution for dispute resolution called MasterCard Claims Manager (MCM).

MasterCard‘s intent was to simplify the dispute resolution process. One of the biggest changes facing the customer is where Mastercard has consolidated some of the reason codes. The results of this is that there are now only four main Dispute Categories:

  • 4837 – Fraud
  • 4808 – Authorisation
  • 4834 – Processing Error
  • 4853 – Cardholder Dispute

The older reason codes may continue to be used for now, however, they will eventually be eliminated.

1.2.2 - MasterCard's elimination of second chargeback

Mastercard has eliminated the second chargeback (arbitration chargeback) from the dispute resolution cycle for first chargebacks processed on or after 17 July 2020.

This shortened the dispute resolution cycle and increased the efficiency of the dispute processing.