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8 - Responding To Disputes

There are 2 ways for merchants to respond to copy requests and chargebacks. It can be done through SAGA or Web service.

8.1 - SAGA

Documents can be uploaded via the Exceptions module in the SAGA Backoffice. (For further information see SAGA Guide and/or contact the Rapyd Partner Support team).

8.2 - Web Service

Description for the Web services interface provided by Rapyd for service providers can be found in the Rapyd Technical Specification, which gives information on how to implement the Rapyd dispute management system.

Documents can alternatively be uploaded via the Valitor Dispute Management Web Service.

Callers must provide an authorization header:

Header Value Comment
Authorization APIKey your-APIKey Provided by Valitor

The expected input is the following:

Field Type Comment
TransactionID String The transaction id
Card6Plus4 String The first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number
TransAmount Float Transaction amount
EmailAddress String Merchant email address
File String Dispute file as a base64 encoded string
FileType String Type of dispute file (see supported file types)
Username String Merchant username (optional)
TransactionLifeCycleID String LifeCycleID of transaction (optional)
Comment String Additional information about dispute file (optional)

Supported file types:

  • tiff
  • tif
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • pdf

The response should be one of:

StatusCode Message Comment
200 Document received The document was successfully uploaded
400 Error message Validation of input failed on one or more of the fields
404 Error message The dispute case was not found
500 Error message An internal error occurred