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2 - Retrieval Request

2.1 - Retrieval request / Inquiry / Copy Request

Retrieval request is a request for transaction information - e.g. a copy of a voucher or proof of cardholder's participation in the transaction. It is not a mandatory dispute stage, as the issuing bank can submit a chargeback without initiating a retrieval request. This is sometimes also known as: -Request for information (RFI), Inquiry or Copy request. Visa eliminated the Retrieval request process on 16 October 2020. Mastercard eliminated the Retrieval request on 15 October 2021. American Express still has the Retrieval request process, or Inquiry, in place.

2.1.1 - Retrieval request reasons for American Express

ISO Message Reason Code Inquiry Notification Reason Description for Use
6003 Chargeback Documentation American Express is requesting documentation to validate that the Transaction qualifies for a First Chargeback
6006 Legal Request or Fraud Analysis American Express is requesting documentation in support of a fraud investigation/as a result of a legal request
6008 Card member requests a copy of the ROC American Express is requesting documentation on behalf of the Cardmember or Cardmember is requesting a copy of the ROC
6013 Repeat Documentation Request American Express submitted previous Inquiry and is repeating the original request
6014 Cardmember does not recognize Transaction or amount Cardmember is requesting documentation to validate his/her Authorization of the Transaction
6016 Cardmember needs for personal records Cardmember is not disputing the Transaction but needs documentation for his/her records
6304 ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Journal Roll/Audit Tape Request Cardmember is requesting a copy of the ATM Journal/Audit tape Request

2.1.2 - Retrieval request fulfillment

The fulfilment should contain a legible copy of the requested receipt or file along with any other transaction information. The documentation should contain all the information available about the transaction, such as, but not limited to:

  • Card number (the first 6 and last 4 digits only)
  • Transaction amount
  • Transaction date
  • Transaction Currency
  • Authorisation code
  • Merchant name
  • Description of the goods or services/merchandise or services sold
  • Merchant contact information/Merchant Location (On Line Address)
  • Cardholder name and address (primarily for MOTO and e-commerce transactions)
  • Billing address or Shipping address
  • Address verification response code or CVV2 response code
  • Cardholder telephone number or email address
  • Proof of delivery if applicable
  • For recurring transaction, a copy of the written cardholder authority
  • Invoice
  • Any communication with the cardholder

2.1.3 - Timeframe for retrieval requests

Rapyd notifies processors via SFTP server that a Retrieval request has been received from an issuer. The merchant will be required to submit documentation within 7 days from receipt of the Retrieval request notification through SAGA backoffice or Rapyd Dispute Webservice. The retrieval request will be closed if the merchant fails to submit the requested documents within the 7 days period.