7 - Transaction codes and status
To be able to see the status or conclude the result of an exception, then you need to be aware of the various transaction codes/keys that are assigned to each exception. The status of a case may also give you an indication of whether an exception is ongoing or has been resolved.
7.1 - Transaction Codes with Legacy codes
List of Transaction Codes.
Code/key | Description | Function |
ADJUST | Exception transaction adjustment | Financial |
ADVICE | Dispute advice | Financial |
ARBREW | Arbitration case pending - waiting for a ruling by card scheme | Non-financial |
CACB17 | Cash advance chargeback | Financial |
CARV27 | Cash advance reversal | Financial |
CARV37 | Cash advance chargeback reversal | Financial |
CASHAD | Cash advance | Financial |
CBLOST | Chargeback is lost | Non-financial |
CBRV35 | Sale chargeback reversal | Financial |
CHABAC | Sale chargeback | Financial |
CHBWON | Chargeback is won | Non-financial |
COMPLI | Compliance case pending - waiting for a ruling by card scheme | Non-financial |
COPYRQ | Copy request | Non-financial |
FRAUDR | Fraud report notified by issuer | Non-financial |
INFE10 | Incoming fee collection | Financial |
INFE20 | Incoming funds disbursement | Financial |
OCT08 | Original credit transaction | Financial |
OUFE10 | Outgoing fee collection | Financial |
OUFE20 | Outgoing funds disbursement | Financial |
PADECL | Pre-arbitration from issuer has been declined | Non-financial |
PCDECL | Pre-compliance from issuer has been declined | Non-financial |
PREARB | Pre-arbitration recived from issuer | Non-financial |
PRECOM | Pre-compliance received from issuer | Non-financial |
RCRV36 | Refund chargeback reversal | Financial |
RECB16 | Refund chargeback | Financial |
REFU06 | Refund | Financial |
REJE15 | Sale transaction rejected by card scheme | Financial |
REJE16 | Refund transaction rejected by card scheme | Financial |
REPR00 | Representment | Non-financial |
REPR05 | Sale chargeback representment | Financial |
REPR06 | Refund representment | Financial |
REPR07 | Cash advance representment | Financial |
RERV26 | Refund reversal | Financial |
RPRV25 | Sale representment reversal | Financial |
RPRV26 | Refund representment reversal | Financial |
RPRV27 | Cash advance representment reversal | Financial |
SALE05 | Sale transaction | Financial |
SARV25 | Sale transaction reversal | Financial |
RDR15 | Sale transaction Rapid Dispute Resolution | Financial |
RDR16 | Refund transaction Rapid Dispute Resolution | Financial |
RDR17 | ATM transaction Rapid Dispute Resolution | Financial |
RDR35 | Rapid Dispute Resolution sale | Financial |
RDR36 | Rapid Dispute Resolution refund | Financial |
RDR37 | Rapid Dispute Resolution ATM | Financial |
V1 | Exception case escalated | Non-financial |
7.2 - List of status
Status | Description |
A | Write-off |
B | Waiting for docs from merchant |
C | Case lost |
D | Worked (Documents sent) |
F | Original transaction not found |
H | Recovered |
I | Fraud notification |
J | Settled against an exception |
K | Ready for processing |
L | Corrected and resent to scheme |
Q | Transaction rejected by card scheme |
S | Sent to card scheme |
T | Abandoned transaction |
U | Sent/resent to card scheme |
V | Rejected in pre-edit |
W | Returned by card scheme |
X | Duplicate CB pending |
Y | Repres. for dupl. CB (ready for processing) |
Z | Duplicate CB re-pre-presented |
1 | Chargeback has been won |
7 | Chargeback in process |