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Getting started

The following chapter will demonstrate how the data flows and is represented in different system units when a transaction is made. Furthermore it will show examples of how data/payloads needs to be presented for the flow to work.

Please note

The following sections demonstrate high level workflows and their purpose is only to visualize how different units work together during and after you've integrated. The examples are not real data.

Workflow for partners - 3D payment

Typically, partners would implement against the ValitorPay API (further examples can be found here). Below is a step-by-step guide on which data needs to be posted to the API, which responses are recevied from the API calls and how the data from the responses is used. Also the guide will provide an example of different files that are auto-generated in the Clearing process.

1. Card verification

The card needs to be verified before a payment is made, using 3D Secure verification. This is done as explained here.

2. Payment

The payment can be made using the 3D data obtained in the earlier step. This is done as explained here.

3. Overview of transactions

Every day at 02:00 GMT a plain text file is dropped into and SFTP location that you will get access to. This file contains a list of transactions that have been made that day. Further information can be found here.