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9.2 - Early Reconciliation Report

Each report contains detailed information about each approved transaction related to one partner. Files are generated and delivered to Rapyd SFTP server 2-4 hours after each file delivered to us from partner's processor.

The filename is constructed as follows: YMMDD + File ID + ".erf". For example: 40225001.erf

The generation of this file is only started upon request.

9.2.1 - Early Reconciliation

Field name Length/type Description
TransactionID 12 Transaction ID, Merchant Reference Number
TransactionLifecycleId 15 Identifier assigned by card schemes (not unique)
TerminalID 8 Rapyd terminal ID
AcquirerReferenceNumber 23 Acquirer Reference Number (ARN). Unique ID in Rapyd system
AgreementNumber 6 Rapyd agreement number
ReferenceData 50 Merchant assigned reference data. Also called merchantReferenceData
TransactionDate 10 Date of the businesss transaction, in general the date the authorization message was submitted, YYYY-MM-DD
ReconciliationAmount decimal Gross amount settled with the merchant in the merchants settlement currency (i.e. fees have not been netted)
ReconciliationCurrency 3 Agreement settlement currency
TransactionAmount decimal If dcc then dcc amount, if multicurrency then multicurrency amount else original amount
TransactionCurrency 3 Transaction currency in numeric ISO
CardScheme 1 V(isa), M(asterCard), A(MEX) etc
CardNumber6_4 19 Masked Primary Account Number (PAN)
SettlementKey 6 SALE05, REFU06, CASHAD etc. indicates the sign of the transaction amount
TransactionType 2 Rapyd Transaction Type see list in section 9.2.3 - Transaction Types
BatchNumber 10 Batch number (i.e. BatchID ) as assigned by the Merchant or Processor
MerchantName 25 DBA name
MerchantCountry 3 Merchant country in numeric ISO
MerchantCategoryCode 4 Merchant Category Code (MCC)
ValitorProcessingTime 19 Time when transaction is created in Rapyd system (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
InterchangeFeeRegion 50 Domestic, intra-europe, interregional etc
InterchangeMarketName 50 Icelandic, German, European etc
InterchangeCardCategory 50 Corporate, consumer, business etc
InterchangeTransactionCategory 50 Card Present, 3D Secure etc
CardUsage 1 Card usage classification (0=Uncategorized, 1=Credit, 2=Debit)
CardIssuerCountry 3 Cardholder country / Issuer country
BaseCostFixed decimal Base cost fixed. Base cost is sum of fixed and percentage calculated fee. This is the fixed amount
BaseCostPercent decimal Base cost percent. Base cost is sum of fixed and percentage calculated fee. This is the percentage calculated amount
BaseCost decimal Interchange in merchant settlement currency
MerchantPriceFixed decimal Rapyd fixed fee, flat rate per transaction
MerchantPricePercentage decimal Rapyd percent fee, percentage of volume (reconciliation amount)
MerchantPrice decimal Rapyd total fee, this includes interchange and scheme fee for I++
PartnerPriceFixed decimal Price to partner, fixed
PartnerPricePercentage decimal Price to partner, percent
PartnerPrice decimal Total price to partner
SchemeFeeCurrency decimal Scheme fee currency code
SchemeFeeFixed decimal Scheme fee fixed amount in scheme fee currency
SchemeFeePercentage decimal Scheme fee percentage
SchemeFee decimal Total scheme fee amount, fixed and percentage, in scheme fee currency
SchemeFeeBase decimal Total scheme fee amount in agreement currency
MulticurrencyFeePercent decimal Multicurrency fee percentage
MultiCurrencyFee decimal Total multicurrency fee
SponsoredMerchantID 8 Unique ID for submerchants
InterchangeCurrencyCode 3 Interchange currency code
TransactionFee decimal Required in ATM transactions if a surcharge is applied
DCCCommissionAmount decimal Merchant DCC commission. Only if transaction is a DCC
PartnerDCCCommissionAmount decimal Partner DCC commission. Only if transaction is a DCC

9.2.2 - Example

426023180356|SURFJ62DS0816  |20000448|75282524261134926631763|230891|tx_L5FvKsy8g3                                     |2024-09-16|163.5700|978|163.5700|978|M|554498******3579|SALE05|1B|09173hkDIU|Rap*Irish Gas            |528|1731|2024-09-17 10:30:03|MC Europe Intra-EEA|Europe Intra-EEA|Consumer Debit|3D Secure|0|380|0.0000|0.3271|0.3271|0.0000|0.0320|0.7126|0.0000|0.0000|0.3332|978|0.0066|0.1997|0.3332|0.3332||0.0000|03844014|978|0.0000|||
426023180422|MSIFLYTDS0816  |20000449|75282524261134926631789|230891|tx_zcrcRzjj8S                                     |2024-09-16|11.4700|978|11.4700|978|M|679107*********7119|SALE05|1B|0917kFmKTW|Rap*Paperlike            |528|2741|2024-09-17 10:30:04|MC Domestic|Netherlands|Consumer Debit|3D Secure|0|528|0.0200|0.0000|0.0200|0.0000|0.0320|0.0612|0.0000|0.0000|0.0375|978|0.0289|0.0748|0.0375|0.0375||0.0000|06639991|978|0.0000|||
426023180252|MCSFH68DS0816  |20000450|75282524261134926631805|230891|tx_6jEMkNVjYL                                     |2024-09-16|15.9400|978|15.9400|978|M|525636******8144|SALE05|12|0917p16Jie|Rap*RentersX B.V.        |528|4121|2024-09-17 10:31:11|MC Europe Intra-EEA|Europe Intra-EEA|Consumer Credit|Recurring|0|056|0.0000|0.0478|0.0478|0.0000|0.0320|0.0884|0.0000|0.0000|0.0355|978|0.0066|0.1812|0.0355|0.0355||0.0000|04264474|978|0.0000|||
426023180234|MCCFHXXDS0816  |20000450|75282524261134926631813|230891|tx_4nzC56bhyZ                                     |2024-09-16|16.0000|978|16.0000|978|M|523256******5249|SALE05|12|0917p16Jie|Rap*RentersX B.V.        |528|4121|2024-09-17 10:31:11|MC Europe Intra-EEA|Europe Intra-EEA|Consumer Credit|Recurring|0|276|0.0000|0.0480|0.0480|0.0000|0.0320|0.0887|0.0000|0.0000|0.0356|978|0.0066|0.1812|0.0356|0.0356||0.0000|04264474|978|0.0000|||
426023180249|MCBFH47DS0816  |20000450|75282524261134926631821|230891|tx_rdF7s7GaEb                                     |2024-09-16|1.6900|978|1.6900|978|M|547835******6068|SALE05|12|0917p16Jie|Rap*RentersX B.V.        |528|4121|2024-09-17 10:31:11|MC Europe Intra-EEA|Europe Intra-EEA|Business Credit|Recurring|0|056|0.0000|0.0279|0.0279|0.0000|0.0320|0.0381|0.0000|0.0000|0.0097|978|0.0066|0.1812|0.0097|0.0097||0.0000|04264474|978|0.0000|||
426023180418|MCTRU23KO0298  |20000462|75282478227130000000084|230891|tx_HT4rd7Uic3                                     |2024-09-16|9620.0000|352|69.8500|978|M|520618******0200|SALE05|45|SS864401EG|Rap*Icebus Tours         |352|4722|2024-09-17 13:45:53|MC Domestic|Netherlands|Consumer Debit|Card Present|0|352|0.0000|57.6000|57.6000|0.1400|0.0000|0.1400|1.0000|0.0000|0.0000|978|0.0047|0.0688|0.0577|7.2048||0.0000||978|0.0000|105.8200|153.9200|

9.2.3 - Transaction Types

Number Description
10 Mail order
11 Telephone order, with CVV2/CVC2
12 Subsequent transaction
15 E-commerce, Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode / Amex SafeKey
16 E-commerce, Verified by Visa attempt / MasterCard SecureCode Attempt / Amex SafeKey Attempt
17 E-commerce, with CVV2/CVC2. Only for SCA Exemptions or "one-leg-out" transactions.
1B Tokenized transaction
21 Manual key entry (cardholder present)
22 Magnetic stripe read
2A Manual key entry (cardholder absent, e.g. telephone order)
31 Manual key entry (cardholder present)
32 Magnetic stripe read - POS error (e.g. PIN-pad down)
33 Magnetic stripe read - chip unreadable
35 Chip card read
36 Magnetic stripe read - no chip on card
37 Magnetic stripe read - forced fall-back
3A Manual key entry (cardholder absent, e.g. telephone order)
41 Manual key entry (cardholder present)
42 Magnetic stripe read - POS error (e.g. PIN-pad down)
43 Magnetic stripe read - chip unreadable
44 Contactless / proximity payment
45 Chip card read
46 Magnetic stripe read - no chip on card
47 Magnetic stripe read - forced fall-back
49 Contactless magnetic stripe - no chip on card
4A Manual key entry (cardholder absent, e.g. telephone order)
4B Device token (Iceland domestic only)
62 Magnetic stripe read
64 Contactless / proximity payment
65 Chip card read
72 Magnetic stripe read
74 Contactless / proximity payment
75 Chip card read

9.2.4 - Interchange Card Categories

List of Interchange Card Categories
Consumer Card
Premium Card
Corporate Card
Consumer Debit
Premium Debit
Corporate Debit
Consumer Credit
Premium Credit
Corporate Credit
Business Card
Business Debit
Business Credit
Business-to-Business Card
Business-to-Business Debit
Business-to-Business Credit
Super-Premium Card
Super-Premium Debit
Super-Premium Credit

Please note

This is not an exhaustive list and more may be added later.