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9.4 - Commission Payment Report

Each report contains the commission payments according to the payment frequency.

Commission payment files are delivered to a partner's folder on the Rapyd SFTP server typically between 06:00 - 07:00 UTC.


Please note that this page is only relevant to ISOs

9.4.1 - Commission Payment

Field name Length/type Description
PaymentID int The payment ID
Currency 3 The currency code
Payment Date DateTime The scheduled payment date
Amount decimal The payment amount
BankName 150 The name of the bank
IBAN 34 The IBAN number
Swift 11 The swift code
OwnerName 150 The name of the account owner
Settlements Set The settlements this payment settles

9.4.2 - Sub Type Settlements

Field name Length/type Description
Settlement int The settlement number
SettlementDate DateTime The partner settlement date
SettlementAmount decimal The partner settlement amount
GrossAmount decimal The gross amount for this settlement
Fees Set Fees applied to the settlemnt
MerchantSettlements Set Merchant settlements whose fees make up the partner settlement

9.4.3 - Sub Type Fees

Field name Length/type Description
FeeName 100 The name of the fee
FeeAmount decimal The amount of the fee

9.4.4 - Sub Type Merchant Settlements

Field name Length/type Description
MerchantName 50 The name of the merchant
Agreement 6 The agreement number
MerchantSettlement 8 The ID of the merchant settlement
GrossSale decimal The amount of the sales for this merchant settlement
PartnerTotal decimal The total amount paid for this merchant settlement
DCCCommission decimal The commission for dynamic currency conversion transactions
Volume Set
Commission Set
TransactionCount Set

9.4.5 - Sub Type Volume

Field name Length/type Description
Credit decimal The volume of credit transactions
Debit decimal The volume of debit transactions

9.4.6 - Sub Type Commission

Field name Length/type Description
Credit decimal The commission of credit transactions
Debit decimal The commission of debit transactions

9.4.7 - Sub Type Transaction Count

Field name Length/type Description
Credit int The transaction count of credit transactions
Debit int The transaction count of debit transactions

9.4.8 - Example


        "PaymentID": 10,                              
        "Currency": "EUR",                            
        "Payment Date": "2024-02-01",                 
        "Amount": 100.00,                         
        "Bank Name": "Citibank Europe",               
        "IBAN": "AZ1110000111000101",                 
        "Swift": "ABCDKKX",                          
        "Owner Name": "Pet Store",                   
        "Settlements": [
                "Settlement": 12345,
                "Settlement Date": "2024-01-03",
                "Settlement Amount": 100.00,        
                "Gross Amount": 10000.00,           
                "Fees": [                             
                        "Fee Name": "Payment fee",    
                        "Fee Amount": 5.00,           
                        "Fee Name": "Other fee",      
                        "Fee Amount": 9.00           
                "Merchant Settlements": [
                        "Merchant Name": "Pet Store",
                        "Agreement": "123456",
                        "Merchant Settlement": "11223344",
                        "Gross Sale": 10000.00,
                        "Partner Total": 85.6054,   
                        "DCC Commission": 0.00,
                        "Volume": [
                                "Credit": 6000.00,
                                "Debit": 4000.00
                        "Commission": [
                                "Credit": 70.7288,
                                "Debit": 14.8766
                        "Transaction Count": [
                                "Credit": 60,
                                "Debit": 40