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9.8 - Payments Report

Each report contains the payments related to one partner for the given day. One file is generated per day with the filename as follows: Payments_YYYY_MM_DD.json

Payments files are delivered to a partner's folder on the Rapyd SFTP server at around 16:30 GMT.


Please note that this page is only relevant to Payment Facilitators

9.8.1 - Payment

Field name Length/type Description
Id int The payment ID
Partner 50 Represents the partner name
PartnerNumber 50 A unique number for the partner
Amount decimal The payment amount
Currency 3 The payment currency
Settlements Set The settlements this payment settles
Iban 34 The IBAN number
Swift 11 The Swift code
BankName 250 The name of the bank
Owner 100 The owner name
Reference 250 Payment reference
PaidDate DateTime The date of the payment

9.8.2 - Example

        "Id": 29306051,
        "Partner": "Rapyd EU",
        "PartnerNumber": "208",
        "Amount": 944.05,
        "Currency": "GBP",
        "Settlements": [
        "Iban": "GB94CITI18500817390000",
        "Swift": "CITIGB0L000",
        "BankName": "CITIBANK NA",
        "Owner": "Rapyd EU",
        "Reference": "358184-B",
        "PaidDate": "2023-10-09T00:00:00"
        "Id": 29306050,
        "Partner": "Rapyd EU",
        "PartnerNumber": "208",
        "Amount": 151589.01,
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "Settlements": [
        "Iban": "IE59CITI99105132400000",
        "Swift": "CITIIE63000",
        "BankName": "Citibank Bank Europe plc",
        "Owner": "Rapyd EU",
        "Reference": "358183-B",
        "PaidDate": "2023-10-09T00:00:00"

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