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9.8 - Settlements Report

Contains relevant information on settlements for a partner. One file is generated per day with the filename as follows: Settlements_YYYY_MM_DD.json

Delivery time of the settlement files may vary due to dependency on our settlement runs. Settlement files can be exptected to be on the Rapyd SFTP folder between 06:00 - 07:00 UTC.


Please note that this page is only relevant to Payment Facilitators

9.8.1 - Settlement

Field name Length/type Description
AgreementNumber 6 The agreement number for the merchant
SettlementId DateTime Primary key for the settlement
SettlementNumber int Uniquely represents the settlement
MerchantName 50 The name of the merchant
CurrencyCode 3 The currency for the settlement
PaymentAmount decimal The paid amount for the settlement
GrossAmount decimal The gross amount processed
PaymentDate DateTime Date of settlement
Fees Set Fees applied to the settlement
Batches Set Batches that make up the settlement
Exceptions Set Any exceptions related to the settlement

9.8.2 - Sub Type Fees

Field name Length/type Description
FeeAmount decimal The collected amount
FeeDescription 60 The description of the fee
FeeType 10 The type of fee

9.8.3 - Sub Type Batches

Field name Length/type Description
BatchId DateTime Primary key for the batch
BatchNumber string Uniquely represents the batch
Transactions Set The Transactions in the batch

9.8.4 - Sub Type Transaction

Field name Length/type Description
ARN 23 Acquirer Reference Number (ARN). Unique ID in Rapyd system
TransactionId 12 Transaction reference
TransactionLifeCycleId 15 Schema life cycle reference
ReferenceData 50 Reference data from the transaction

9.8.5 - Sub Type SettlementException

Field name Length/type Description
ExceptionId DateTime Unique reference to the exception
ARN 23 Acquirer Reference Number (ARN). Unique ID in Rapyd system
TransactionType 6 Type of transaction

9.8.6 - Example

    "AgreementNumber": "230891",
    "SettlementNumber": 35424588,
    "MerchantName": "Rapyd EU",
    "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "PaymentAmount": -351.90,
    "GrossAmount": 0.00,
    "PaymentDate": "2024-09-18T00:00:00",
    "Fees": [
        "FeeAmount": 15.00,
        "FeeDescription": "Chargeback Fee",
        "FeeType": "CHBFAG"
        "FeeAmount": 2.90,
        "FeeDescription": "Swift Fee",
        "FeeType": "SWIFTF"
    "Batches": [],
    "Exceptions": [
        "ExceptionId": "2024-09-17T08:01:37.067932",
        "ARN": "75282524028132589224532",
        "TransactionType": "CHABAC"
    "AgreementNumber": "230891",
    "SettlementNumber": 35424589,
    "MerchantName": "Rapyd EU",
    "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "PaymentAmount": 207.68,
    "GrossAmount": 208.67,
    "PaymentDate": "2024-09-18T00:00:00",
    "Fees": [
        "FeeAmount": 14.56,
        "FeeDescription": "Merchant Service Charges",
        "FeeType": "BUMERC"
        "FeeAmount": 30.00,
        "FeeDescription": "Chargeback Fee",
        "FeeType": "CHBFAG"
    "Batches": [
        "BatchNumber": "09173hkDIU",
        "Transactions": [
            "ARN": "75282524261134926631763",
            "TransactionId": "426023180356",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "SURFJ62DS0816  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_L5FvKsy8g3                                     "
        "BatchNumber": "0917kFmKTW",
        "Transactions": [
            "ARN": "75282524261134926631789",
            "TransactionId": "426023180422",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "MSIFLYTDS0816  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_zcrcRzjj8S                                     "
        "BatchNumber": "0917p16Jie",
        "Transactions": [
            "ARN": "75282524261134926631805",
            "TransactionId": "426023180252",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "MCSFH68DS0816  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_6jEMkNVjYL                                     "
            "ARN": "75282524261134926631813",
            "TransactionId": "426023180234",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "MCCFHXXDS0816  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_4nzC56bhyZ                                     "
            "ARN": "75282524261134926631821",
            "TransactionId": "426023180249",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "MCBFH47DS0816  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_rdF7s7GaEb                                     "
        "Exceptions": [
            "ExceptionId": "2024-09-17T07:01:30.169243",
            "ARN": "74648934144133694904838",
            "TransactionType": "CHABAC"
            "ExceptionId": "2024-09-17T07:01:30.169407",
            "ARN": "74648934132133568287959",
            "TransactionType": "CHABAC"
    "AgreementNumber": "368040",
    "SettlementNumber": 35433430,
    "MerchantName": "Rapyd EU",
    "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "PaymentAmount": 34.59,
    "GrossAmount": 39.05,
    "PaymentDate": "2024-09-18T00:00:00",
    "Fees": [
        "FeeAmount": 1.56,
        "FeeDescription": "Merchant Service Charges",
        "FeeType": "BUMERC"
        "FeeAmount": 2.90,
        "FeeDescription": "Swift Fee",
        "FeeType": "SWIFTF"
    "Batches": [
        "BatchNumber": "0917IzlEoF",
        "Transactions": [
            "ARN": "75290454261134929847317",
            "TransactionId": "426113000315",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "MSIQOVCKS0817  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_VEXJK7tXqf                                     "
        "BatchNumber": "0917L2eY0w",
        "Transactions": [
            "ARN": "75290454261134929926632",
            "TransactionId": "426114001149",
            "TransactionLifeCycleId": "MCG4MUG620817  ",
            "ReferenceData": "tx_RoEQ6vJ5qh                                     "

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